Emerging Pakistan

Austria and Pakistan Hold 3rd Round of Bilateral Political Consultations


3rd Round of Pakistan-Austria Bilateral Political Consultations

(2017-09-11) The 3rd round of Pakistan-Austria Bilateral Political Consultations washeld in Islamabad on September 11, 2017. Ambassador Zaheer A. Janjua, Additional Secretary (Europe), led the Pakistan side while Ambassador Gabriele Meon-Tschurtz, Head of Asia, Australia and Oceania Division, Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs, headed the Austrian delegation.

The two sides reviewed the entire spectrum of bilateral relations and identified opportunities and possibilities for further strengthening cooperation, especially in the spheres of trade and economy, investment, culture, education, science and technology, defence and parliamentary exchanges.

The two sides discussed the evolving peace and security situation in their respective regions. The Additional Secretary briefed on Pakistan’s efforts towards promotion of peace and stability in Afghanistan. Indian atrocities and human rights violations in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir were also highlighted.

The Additional Secretary also briefed the Austrian side on Pakistan’s credentials for membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, while emphasizing the need for a criteria-based, non-discriminatory approach towards new non-NPT member states. The two sides agreed to enhance cooperation at the United Nations and other multilateral fora.

Pakistan and Austria closely cooperate on bilateral and multilateral issues of mutual concern and interest. The annual Bilateral Political Consultations provide a useful platform to review progress in various fields and identify opportunities for future cooperation. The 2ndsession of these consultations was held in Vienna in June 2015 and the next session will be held in Vienna in 2018 on mutually convenient dates.

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